Donation Request
Only The Best For Your Pet
Donation Request
Kountry Pet Resort & Training Center is an active member of our local surrounding communities.
We take great pride in our community and giving back.
In order to be considered please include the following information when submitting a request for a donation:
- Name of person requesting donation
- E-mail address
- Phone number
- Non-profit (501c3) letter
- Organization and event name, request must be on official organization letterhead
- Estimated size of event audience
- Date deadline item needed
- Supporting documents if applicable
Please send us your information by USPS to the address below:
KountryPet Resort & Training Center
Attn: Donation Request
12N911 US Highway 20
Hampshire, IL 60140
Please allow 4 weeks from event date for proper consideration to be given to your organization.
If your request is approved you will be notified via email.